Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Sample Integration Plan

Topic: “The World is an Apple by Alberto Florentino”
Grade Level: 4th year high school
Teacher: Lovelyn G. Abucay
School: Integrated Laboratory School

Literary text: “The World is an Apple by Alberto Florentino”

Objectives 1. identify the meaning of the words being presented;
2. share their thoughts about the text "The World is an Apple"; and
3. act out their assigned role
Targeted BEC Competencies React to what the character
said/did on a story listened to
Curriculum Framing Question
Essential Questions 1. How will you accomplish your goals when everything around you seems to block you?
2. If you were in Mario's place, what would you do? Would you do the same?
Contents Questions 1. Who are the characters of the play?
2. Where does the story take place?
3. What is the job of Mario?
Unit Summary Pupils will demonstrate their knowledge about the text "The World is an Apple" by doing a dramatic presentation and express their thoughts through an oral recitation and reflection.
The pupils have little background about how to act out the text.
Area of Integration English
Values Education
Duration 2 days
Applications to be used MS Power Point or Open Office Impress
Materials Computer, video clips, digital pictures, storyboards (for the Multimedia Presentation and Web Pages)
a real apple
cut-outs (apple)
word strips
rolled papers with questions

Procedures A. The teacher will post strips of words on the board. She will let the students form a circle. She will also hand an apple to a student. Then, she will play music. As the music plays, the student will pass the apple to the person beside him/her and so on and so forth. If the music stops, the person who is holding the apple will choose a word on the board and she will match it with the appropriate meaning.
B. The teacher will now start her introduction about the text.
1. The teacher will give a brief biography of the author.
2. The teacher will group the students into five. She will give each group a script and the lists of the members.
3. The students will act out on what is on the script. They are only given three minutes to prepare.
4. After that, they have to present it on class.
5. The first presenter would be the teacher and her co-student teacher. They will act the first two pages of the play and the last part.
Group 1 = pages 73-74
Group 2 = pages 75-76
Group 3 = pages 77-78
Group 4 = pages 79-80
Group 5 = pages 81-82
C. Then, teacher will give the students a colored paper which is cut out into different shapes. She will ask a volunteer to pick one of the rolled paper on which the color and the shape are written. The student who matches the description will be the one to answer the question. These are the following questions to be asked:
Why did Mario get fired from his job?
Why did Mario steal the apple?
What does the apple in the title of the play stand for?
What is the reaction of Gloria seeing Pablo hiding behind the acacia tree?
What is the result of the appearance of Pablo?
Why did Mario choose to be with Pablo rather than his wife?
What do think will happen to Mario?
D. After that, the teacher will give a Paper pencil test about the text, “The World is an Apple by Alberto Florentino”
E. Then, she will give the assignment which is a reflection about the text and there will be criteria in checking the reflection paper.

Output PAPET (Paper Pencil Test)
Direction: If the statement is true, write T then, if the statement is false, write F. (10pts)

1. Gloria is the wife of Mario.
2. Pablo is the husband of Gloria.
3. Mario was fired due to his laziness.
4. Mario's family lived near the Intramuros walls.
5. The daughter of Pablo was Tita.
6. Gloria wants Mario to stay with her.
7. Alberto C. Florentino is the author of the play, “The World is an Apple".
8. Gloria said this line “He came to me first".
9. The apple cost seventy pesos.
10. Mario did not spend his money for another woman.

B. Write an essay that answers this question :( 15pts)

*Why did the author entitle it “The World is an Apple"?

Rubrics for Reflection
Criteria Outstanding Satisfactory Fair
Content and Relevance
The content was very clear. It answers the questions very well. It explicitly shows the relevance of the idea to the topic.
The content was quite clear. It answers the question but there are some ideas that are not related to the topic. It shows a little bit of relevance.
The content was not relevant to the topic.
Organization of Thought
The thought was very organized. The sentences are connected with each other and it shows a smooth transition of thoughts.
The thought was not that organized. There are some sentences that are not connected with each other and it quite shows smooth transition of thoughts.
The thought was not organized and the sentences are not related with each other.
Correct Grammar and Punctuation
The grammar was simple and concise. It is very understandable. It uses the correct capitals, spelling and punctuation.
The grammar was a little bit unclear. There are words that cannot be understood easily. There is few misused punctuation.
There are a lot of errors in the grammar and punctuation.

References Books:
Arcinas, Lolita V. et al, Listening to Many Voices. De La Salle University Press, Inc. Manila, Philippines.2002

Internet Sources:

Assessment Paper pencil test about the text, “The World is an Apple by Alberto Florentino”
Other possible Output If any

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